Celine Nguyen

Product designer and writer in San Francisco. I write about literature, design, art, & technology on my Substack, personal canon, and occasionally publish writing elsewhere.


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I'm very excited about

Contemporary literature / Software's influence on culture / The handmade, handcoded web / Intersections between design process and writing process / Writing contemporary design histories / Collective generosity and care / Interdisciplinary endeavors / Technology and ethics / The joy of a good groupchat / Reading books, not feeds / Calligraphy / The resurgence of physical crafts in a digital age

so feel free to talk to me about these things!

Right now

On summer break. Writing about conspiracy theories in politics and literature for the Cleveland Review and short story collections for The Atlantic. I'll be available for product design projects in the fall!


Designed at Notion. Computational writing residency at the Banff Centre . Studied design history at the V&A Museum/Royal College of Art . Spoke at AIGA’s Emerging Designers Symposium. Designed at Palantir , Artsy , and Google . Studied computer science & design at Carnegie Mellon .